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Welcome to the Haultain Centre for International Affairs


The Haultain Centre for International Affairs serves as a non-partisan "think tank" advocating the importance of province-wide global business education and knowledge preparedness for Saskatchewan's increasing international trade/exports and global market opportunities in today's world. 


Saskatchewan is a true global player, exporting more than $32 billion annually in diverse goods, technologies and services around the world.  With our province's phenomenal and growing international success, the Haultain Centre endeavours to help build a sense of "Saskatchewan-wide awareness, pride and interest" in our province's global successes.  It works with governments (federal, provincial, local and foreign), business chambers and associations, industries, local and foreign educational institutions, and province-wide communities to help Saskatchewan businesses, entrepreneurs, professionals, university/college students and even high school students access an overall range of international business foundation training & experiential learning programs, global business-themed seminars & workshops, unique guest lectures & roundtables featuring international business topics, as well as a variety of resources to professionals and students like to help further their interest in global commerce and development.


We should inspire Saskatchewan entrepreneurs, businesses, professionals and even university/college and high school students to "think globally"... to prepare for the increasing challenges of globalization facing our province, to equally take advantage of the amazing and increasing international opportunities presented Saskatchewan, and to especially better this province's international business savvy when engaging global business markets and trade.   We must prepare our citizens and youth as future international players and teach them to take advantage of growing opportunities in the global markets.


The "IBEAS 2025" Initiative

SEIDO Student Internship Program

"International Business Education Across Saskatchewan by 2025", or, "IBEAS 2025" is a ten-year campaign of the Haultain Centre for International Affairs to support a global business learning environment and experiential learning opportunity for entrepreneurs, professionals, and students across Saskatchewan.

Be an Assistant International Resource Officer for a local federal, provincial or municipal office seeking business and trade opportunities abroad, or a Remote Trade Assistant for a foreign consulate exploring Saskatchewan for commercial links. Having experiential training through the SEIDO Program allows any student interested in international business to gain a foundation of knowledge engaging the world’s economies, language and business cultures.

The Haultain Institute

University of Saskatchewan

#112 - 116 Research Drive (Innovation Place Building)

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 3R3

Telephone:        1 (306) 912-8821

Facsimile:          Please email with attachments

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