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SEIDO Helps Host the WISER Series


SEIDO Student Officers from the Saskatchewan Economic & International Development Program (SEIDO) saw their event planning skills put to good use, when they helped host and coordinate a unique, CEO-level guest speaker event at the University of Saskatchewan.

The “WISER Series” event [acronym for “World Impacts affecting Saskatchewan’s Extractive Resources”], in partnership with the University of Saskatchewan’s Hanlon Centre for International Business Studies, was pleased to have Eric Anderson, resource consultant and host of Rawlco Radio's Prosperity Saskatchewan, speak to University of Saskatchewan students for the first Saskatchewan International Mining Event on October, 26th, 2012.

Anderson discussed the impact of Saskatchewan’s mining industry on international business and was joined by notable Saskatchewan energy-sector leaders:

  • Tom MacNeill, President and CEO of 49 North Resources

  • Bill Johnson, Director of Public Affairs for PotashCorp

  • David Doerksen, VP Strategy for Cameco

  • Reid McDonald, Manager of Operational Research for Great Western Minerals Group

Together, these mining industry experts shared their perspectives on international mining trends and their impact on the Saskatchewan economy.


Students learned the ups and downs of Uranium, Potash, and Rare Earth Mineral mining. They also received tips on raising finances internationally to fund mining operations here in Saskatchewan. "Mining is a huge part of the Saskatchewan economy,” says SEIDO Program Coordinator Nick Kokkastamapoulos, also Director for the Hanlon Centre. “In fact Potash is our province’s largest global export. It alone exceeds our entire agricultural sector as a commodity export. Meeting with these gentlemen is an invaluable opportunity for students looking to impact the Saskatchewan economy in a meaningful way."

Johnson adds that the impact of the mining industry cannot be overestimated. "The more people understand the importance of [the potash] industry [to Saskatchewan], the better," he says.

And the same, according to Doerksen, applies to all mining in Saskatchewan. "Saskatchewan's uranium industry is important to the global energy industry. [Cameco] is growing to meet international demand. This is where Saskatchewan comes into play." Mining is one of Saskatchewan's most lucrative industries, with potash alone bringing in more money ($4.8 billion annually) than our entire agricultural sector. With the valuable abundance of assorted minerals found beneath Saskatchewan soil – potash, uranium, lithium, rare earth minerals, coal, gold, even diamonds - our province is already a major mining global player.

The presentation was well received by students, as was the informal after-event put on in sponsorship with the Saskatoon Branch of the Canadian International Council.

* Please note this article has been updated to reflect the new name change of the “Saskatchewan Economic & International Development Officer Program” (“SEIDO”), from its former program name as the “Saskatchewan International Trade Officer Program” (“SITO”).

About the WISER Series. The Saskatchewan Economic & International Development Officer Program (SEIDO), the University of Saskatchewan’s Hanlon Centre for International Business Studies, the Canadian International Council - Saskatoon Chapter, and the Canadian Mining Institute (CIM) – Saskatoon Chapter is a 12-part lecture series unveiling numerous global events that impact Saskatchewan’s natural resources sector and thus economy. Events discussed range from supply and demand, to political, social, and natural events, and how such factors act as direct or indirect determinates.

The Saskatchewan Economic & International Development Officer Program (SEIDO) allows university/college and high schools throughout Saskatchewan the opportunity build global business knowledge, related skills development, and training opportunities for a career in global business, international trade and development. For more information, please contact Nicholas Kokkastamapoulos (SEIDO Program Coordinator) at the Haultain Institute for Global Business Studies at or or by telephone at (306) 715-2260. Thank you.

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